Tradespeople and local business owners……
Are you tired of not having a reliable source of high-quality, ready-to-buy customers?
Then let me show you…
How you too can future-proof and grow your business…..with at least 5 quote-ready appointments coming in every month…. completely systemised for you in as little as 30 days or you don’t pay.

Sounds great right…
But Before I share exactly how…
…. we need to talk about why you might not be seeing these results AS OF NOW. Like..
You are not able to get access to an abundant supply of possible
new customers
The customers you do manage to give a quote to don’t buy
You’re relying Heavily on referrals to keep you going.
If So….

The chances are you’re tired off Dealing with too many customer playing games…….you know the type…. the ‘penny wise and pound foolish’……. the type that are the most frustrating people you will ever working for.

You’re tired of finishing a hard days work….to finally start quotes… FOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW are Tyers kickers waste of time..who only will beat you down on price but you have no choice to do it anyway.
or possibly

You’re tied down….. by the pay per lead so called find a traderwebsites…..only to find out you have to battle is out with at leat 5 other trades fighting for the same customer.

You’re always finding yourself racing to the bottom when it comes to price….. because you have no other way to try and sell yourself.

You’re losing jobs to the sleazy cheap quote, foot-in-the-door
strategy….. only for the customer to be charged way more than what
you would have charged…. for these so-called extras they put in.

You’re tired of sending flyers, building websites, signage on vans and trying every marketing method you can think of. But still not able to systemised a way of generating new business and convert them easily
Now image you could open the tap and control the flow of
potential customers…increasing or decreasing as you see fit?

We are AdzVantage a marketing agency
specialising in getting new customers in a systemised process….. ….. and giving you… a local business an advantage when it comes to generating more revenue and sales.
without being bound by older outdated and unreliable methods.
What We Focus On

What You Will Get Is

However, …….
pretending like you never landed on this page and continue to get your current results.
Yo yoing back and forth at the mercy of lead resellers like the trade website who sell the same leads 4 to 5x times over. And begging for scraps.
Do you really want to….
Have the stress of not knowing where your next client is coming from.
Relying solely on word of mouth to gain future sales at no reliable rate.
Or try advertising only to waste too much money on ad spending using outdated methods.
Have no clear marketing strategy

Frequently Asked Questions
Click below and get yourself booked in
So you too can start taking the first steps to take back control of your revenue and sales.